PDF Version (1.2mb)
Download PowerPoint Version
here to download an image-rich overview of the exhibit, including
major areas, exciting interactives and content highlights. A
must for anyone leading tours and a plus for parents, teachers
and visitors.

Section 1 : Intro & Our Place In
Space (PPT 8.2mb)
Section 2 : Star & Planet Formation
(PPT 3.7mb)
Section 3 : Planet Quest (PPT 3.3mb)
Section 4 : Search for Life & Conclusion (PPT 4.3mb)
here to download an image-rich PowerPoint presentation
of the science behind the exhibit. This overview of
the science is fully aligned with the major areas and themes of the
exhibit. It includes activities, animations, and spectacular photos
and art. It is designed for museum educators and docents.